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You are the one that creates

health self-empowerment self-growth well-being Mar 18, 2019

You are not your body, your mind, your thoughts
You are not your feelings, your emotions, your actions
You are not the breaths that you take or the words that you say

There is nothing for you to have that makes you complete
There’s nothing you have to do that makes you worthy

You are not a separate human being
You are human kind
Never wrong or right- not good or bad

You are not your own judgements of yourself, or of others
Nor are you who you’re judged as by others

Who you are is the driver behind all of it, the captain, the leader
The one that IS
The one that creates out of nothing but a thought, a desire, or dream
Chosen by YOU

You are not a drop - you are the ocean in the drop

You are not a mere community of cells- you are the universe in the cells

Stop living as if you are mediocre! Take the lead and lead, starting with yourself.

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